Obsidian Cheatsheet: Basic Text Formatting
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If you’re looking to enhance your note-taking experience in Obsidian notes, knowing how to format your text is essential. This cheat sheet covers the basics of text formatting, lists, links, and more, making it easier for you to organize and present your thoughts clearly.
Use double asterisks **
for bold text and single asterisks *
for italics.
Create lists with dashes -
for bullet points and numbers for ordered lists.
Add links using brackets with text and parentheses for URLs.
Block quotes can be made with a greater-than sign >
before the text.
For code blocks, use three backticks ```
before and after the code.
In Obsidian, you can easily change how your text looks using simple markdown commands. Here’s a quick guide on how to format your text:
To make text bold, you need to surround it with **two asterisks**
. For example:
This text is bold!
To italicize text, use one *asterisk*
on each side. For instance:
This text is italicized.
If you want to show that something is crossed out, use ~~two tildes~~
on both sides:
This text has a strikethrough.
Remember: Using these formatting options can help make your notes clearer and more organized. This is a definitive obsidian markdown cheatsheet to help you with all your formatting needs!
To create an ordered list in Obsidian, start each item with a number followed by a period and a space.
First Item
Second Item
Third Item
Indented Item
Another Indented Item
For an unordered list, use a dash -
or an asterisk *
followed by a space.
First Item
Second Item
Third Item
Indented Item
Another Indented Item
Creating a checklist is simple.
Start your list of items with a hyphen -
, followed by a space and then a pair of empty brackets
- [ ]
[ ] First Task
[ ] Second Task
[ ] Third Task
[ ] Indented Task
[ ] Another Indented Task
Remember: there is a space after the dash and between the square brackets, otherwise, your checklist won’t work.
In Obsidian, you can create up to six levels of headings. Each level is made by using the hash symbol #
#Heading 1 - This is the largest heading.
##Heading 2 - A bit smaller.
###Heading 3 - Even smaller.
####Heading 4 - Smaller still.
#####Heading 5 - Almost the smallest.
######Heading 6 - The smallest heading.
Using headings helps organize your notes and makes it easier to find information later.
To create a horizontal rule in Obsidian, simply type three dashes ---
on a new line. This creates a visual break in your text. However, when a page has a horizontal rule, it's a clear indication that this is a logical break between text, therefore fold should stop at this line.
Here is an example:
This line separates different sections of your notes. You can use horizontal rules to make your notes clearer and more organized.
Remember: using headings and horizontal rules can greatly improve the readability of your notes!
In Obsidian, you can create internal links to other notes easily. Just use double square brackets around the note title. For example:
This will link to the note named "Note Title". If this note does not exist, when you click on it, it will create it.
You can also link to specific headings or blocks within a note by using the following formats:
For a heading: [[Note Title#Heading]]
For a block: [[Note Title^Block]]
To link to a website, you can use the following format:
This will create a clickable link that takes you to the specified website. Make sure to include the full URL.
You can embed various types of media in your notes. To embed a file, use the following syntax:
![[File Name]]
This works for images, audio, video, and other files. Here’s a quick list of supported file types you can embed (Note: plugins can extend this list):
Markdown files: .md
Image files: .png, .jpg, .gif
Audio files: .mp3, .wav
Video files: .mp4
PDF files: .pdf
Embedding pages is a powerful feature in Obsidian. You can show an entire page or just a part of it. To embed a page, use:
To embed a specific block or heading, use:
By embedding the original note into new notes, you only have to update the original, and everything will be updated.
Using links and media in Obsidian enhances your notes. You can connect ideas and keep your content organized. Remember to use the correct syntax for each type of link or media to make the most of Obsidian's features!
To include code in your notes, you can use code blocks. Here’s how:
Use three backticks ```
before and after your code to create a code block.
You can also use three tildes ~~~
for the same effect.
For short snippets of code, use inline code formatting. Just place your text between backticks.
For example, this is inline code will appear as inline code.
`my inline code`
Creating tables in Obsidian is simple. Use pipes (|) to separate columns and hyphens (-) to create headers. Here's a quick example:
Row 1
Data 1
Row 2
Data 2
Remember: Tables can be adjusted for better appearance by using colons for alignment:
Data A
Data B
Data C
Tables can be a great way to organize information clearly.
Blockquotes are a great way to emphasize important information. You can create a blockquote by starting a line with a greater-than sign >
. For example:
This is a blockquote. It can be used to highlight important notes or thoughts.
Footnotes are useful for providing additional information without cluttering your main text. You can add a footnote by using a caret (^) followed by a number. For example:
This is a statement that needs a footnote [^1].
[^1]: This is the footnote text that provides more details.
Tags help you organize your notes. You can create a tag by using the hashtag symbol #
followed by the tag name. Here are some examples:
Tags can make it easier to find related notes later.
Using shortcuts can make your note-taking faster and easier. Here are some important shortcuts:
Ctrl + P: Open the command palette.
Ctrl + N: Create a new note.
Ctrl + S: Save your current file.
Editing your notes is simple with these shortcuts:
Ctrl + B: Make selected text bold.
Ctrl + I: Italicize selected text.
Ctrl + D: Delete the current line.
Here are some quick tips to help you use Obsidian better:
Use [[note name]]
for internal links.
Use ![[note name]]
to embed notes.
For bullet points, use -, *, or 1.
Keep practicing, and soon you'll be an Obsidian pro!
Obsidian is a note-taking app that helps you organize and connect your thoughts using links.
Yes! You can use shortcuts like Ctrl + B
for bold and Ctrl + I
for italics.